
This board is where you will find everything you need to get started on WPR. Please be sure to read all of the default threads on the 'Required Reads' and 'Help Center' sub-boards. If you have any questions, please refer to the FAQ, or post your question in the 'Help Center.'
All announcements, updates, and events will be posted on this board. Please check this board regularly for all news and things happening on WPR. Updates and Announcements will include changes in layout, default threads, etc, and also, site events, plot updates, etc.
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Want to affiliate with Wasatch Pine Ranch? This is the place to do so. Please be sure to read the 'Affiliate Rules' and 'Our Advertisement' before posting your own affiliate. Make sure you start a new thread for your affiliate, and we will put yours up as soon as ours is up on your site!
This is the place where all dead threads come to be buried. We will move old, discarded, abandoned, or done threads and posts into here biannually. If you want something moved into this board, or out of this board, please PM a member of staff for assistance.
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Character Development

Here you can find all of the accepted applications for Wasatch Pine Ranch. Once your application has been accepted from the 'Pending Application' board, it will be moved here and your character added either to the 'Human Directory' or 'Animal Directory' sub-boards.
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When you are ready to start an application for Wasatch Pine Ranch, this is the place to post it. Get started by choosing the correct sub-board, and posting an application from the character account. Once you are finished, a member of staff will take a look!
All site-wide plots will be posted on this board for input from members. All plot ideas and musings about what to do with your character belong here. Please make only one thread per character, and keep it updated with the current going ons of that character.
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We know keeping track of all those threads is tough, especially when you have so many characters. This is just the place to do that. It's here that you can record all of your characters posting histories through thread trackers. Please make only one thread tracker per character.
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Wasatch Pine Ranch

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We know you guys like to talk, and we also know that the chat-box can get a little cramped from time to time. So if you just need a place to let off some steam this is the place to go. Post everything that is off-topic or that does not fit in any other board.
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Any role-plays that are outside of WPR should be posted here. That would be all other genres, such as wolf RPs, real-life RPs, Harry Potter RPs, etc. Also, if you are role-playing in this board, please use your main account to do so.
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As we are a writing based forum we have created this board just for you. It is here that you can share those stories, poems, etc, that just need to be written. This is also the place to get your written work critiqued if you wish.
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All types of artwork are allowed to be posted here. We love to see it, and we welcome all types, as long as they're appropriate. This is also the place to get help or insight on graphics on the forum, and coding for post-templates and the like.
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Jun 25, 2015 22:38:51 GMT -7
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